I wanted the blog template to be not too boring yiket not too Tutti Fruity. Found the perfect combination and yet as I am typing the blog looks like mix of a manilla folder, mix stone ground oatmeal and tan government furniture issued in the 60's. I am not going to worry my pretty little brain over it.
I am so excited about the upcoming International Polymer Clay retreat I can hardly stand it. I have lots and lots to do to get my two beads ready for the retreat string that goes into the archives and plus I signed up for one swap, that mean 10 beads for that too. I definetly am going to try something with the Ghost Cane Cindy Lietz taught.
Let's see what was the topic? Was it Hands Across The Ocean , or Hands Across The Universe...I think that was a movie. I know it had to do with "Hands" and something to do with black and white.
Hi! I'm sure this will be a great blog and can't wait to see pictures of your polymer creations. Have a nice week!